SWD Events, SWD News|

Elected positions such as the Washoe County Assessor, the Washoe County Commissioners, the Washoe County Public Administrator, and the Washoe County Public Recorder may not be high-profile jobs, but these roles are foundational to our democracy. The officials who work tirelessly in these positions make decisions and do work that affects all of us. Due to the Independence Day holiday, we will hold our July meeting on June 27. We are providing an opportunity for you to get to know your Democratic County Officer Candidates and to learn about their roles.

We are pleased to have the following candidates joins us for this important and educational hybrid in-person and online Zoom meeting:

Wendy Jauregui-Jackins
Washoe County Assessor


Keith Lockard
Washoe County Commission, District 2


Molly Stewart
Washoe County Public Administrator


Kalie Work
Public Recorder

The format for the meeting will be as follows:

  • Candidates will share a brief biographical history
  • Candidates will explain the roles and responsibilities of their elected position
  • Candidates will discuss issues of importance as they relate to their positions
  • Candidates will answer questions from in-person attendees and online viewers
  • Candidates will give a brief closing statement.

Both the in-person and online Zoom session will open at 5:30 p.m. for a social period until 6 p.m. Snacks and beverages will be provided for in-person attendees. The formal meeting will begin at 6:00 p.m. We welcome fully vaccinated individuals to our in-person meeting and ask for those who are not to attend our online session.  The hybrid format will allow for expanded participation, and for us to reach a number of Democratic voters who might not otherwise be able to attend an in-person meeting.

Hybrid meeting attendance options:

The in-person meeting will be held at the South Valleys Library:
15650 Wedge Pkwy, Reno,
 NV 89511

For online participation, register for Zoom via this link.  Upon registration, you will receive an email with your unique access link to join the meeting using your PC, Mac or mobile device. You are free to share the registration link but PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR UNIQUE MEETING ACCESS LINK WITH OTHERS, ESPECIALLY ON SOCIAL MEDIA!  You may use your device’s audio or call one of the phone numbers listed on the email to hear the conversation. Please use your unique link to log on by 5:45 p.m. to ensure you connect successfully to the meeting.

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